Years 11 and 12 begin to refine student focus on successful pathways to industry, further education, or employment.
Year 11 & 12 Curriculum Overview
At Oakey State High School, Senior Students are able to select from multiple pathways to their chosen career.
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) eligibility
The calculation of an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will be based on a student's:
- best five General subject results or
- best results in a combination of four General subject results plus an Applied subject result
- best results in a combination of four General subject results plus a Certificate III or higher VET qualification.
The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) has responsibility for ATAR calculations.
English requirement
Eligibility for an ATAR will require satisfactory completion of a QCAA English subject.
Satisfactory completion will require students to attain a result that is equivalent to a Sound Level of Achievement in one of five subjects — English, Essential English, Literature, English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language.
While students must meet this standard to be eligible to receive an ATAR, it is not mandatory for a student's English result to be included in the calculation of their ATAR.
At Oakey State High School, students can access VET in the following ways:
- OSHS is a registered training organisation (RTO) and offers qualifications on-site.
- OSHS has third-party arrangements with an external providers who are RTOs.
- OSHS offers opportunities for students to undertake school-based apprenticeships or traineeships.
- OSHS supports students to enrol through TAFE at School while still at school.
Training & Employment
Study any combination of General subjects, Applied subjects, and Vocational Educational & Training qualifications
Select a School-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship.
A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT) is a legally binding contract of training and employment enabling students to work towards a vocational qualification whilst studying for their Senior Certificate and undertaking paid work.
| Agricultural Practices
| Certificate II in Hospitality (OSHS RTO)
Agricultural Science
| Business Studies
| Certificate I in Construction (Blue Dog RTO - VETiS)
Ancient History
| Drama in Practice
| Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (Blue Dog RTO - VETiS)
| Early Childhood Studies
| Certificate II in Salon Assistant (TAFE RTO - VETiS)
| Essential English
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| Essential Mathematics
| Furnishing Skills
| Industrial Graphics Skills
Food & Nutrition
| Industrial Technology Skills
General Mathematics
| Information & Communication Technology
| Media Arts in Practice
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| Music in Practice
Legal Studies
| Science in Practice
Mathematical Methods
| Social & Community Studies
| Sport & Recreation
Physical Education
| Visual Arts in Practice
- Students must study: a) English or Essential English and b) General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, or Essentials Mathematics.
- Students may elect to study an alternate subject not offered by Oakey State High School through the Brisbane School of Distance Education.
- All students MUST be in full attendance up to and including the last day of school in Term 4 (set by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) to be eligible for a Queensland Certificate of Education.