
Student Resource Scheme


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Oakey State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme to provide a cost effective method for parents to provide students with textbooks and resources. This is achieved through sharing costs, bulk purchasing and longevity of texts over a number of years. The scheme is managed by the school through its general account and is endorsed annually by the P&C Association.

The following items are provided under the Student Resource Scheme:

  • Student ID Card
  • Subject specific photocopied resources
  • All textbooks as per SRS Fee Breakdown
  • Student printing/photocopying to the value of $10.00

The Student Resource Scheme does not include:

  • Consumables for elective subjects as per SRS Fee Breakdown (students take home list)
  • Extra-curricular activities such as excursions, camps and formal
  • Students supply their own stationery and personal requirements as per Stationery Lists

The Student Resource Scheme is available to all students at Oakey State High School.

While participation is voluntary, parents who opt not to participate need to provide all textbooks and student class needs, and pay separately for items such as the ID Card and the Student Planner. Parents/carers who do not wish to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and have completed the Participation agreement form (PDF, 239KB) to indicate their choice will receive a refund to the value of the Textbook Allowance for each of their children.

Conditions of participation

Textbooks issued to students remain the property of the school, and the following conditions apply:

  • A completed Student Resource Agreement form must be submitted to the school to indicate your willingness to participate in the Student Resource Scheme.
  • Resources are to be kept in good condition.
  • The replacement costs of textbooks that are negligently damaged or lost are the students’ responsibility. Reasonable wear and tear is expected.
  • All resources provided to a student must be returned when a student leaves the school or at the end of the school year.
  • Student resource hire fees reduce on a pro-rata basis for students starting school after Term 1.
  • A pro-rata refund will be made if a student leaves school during the year.  Refunds are based on the full charge (which include the Textbook Allowance and parent/carers contribution), less the cost of consumed materials and/or cost of replacing lost or damaged textbooks.

Textbook allowance

Education Queensland provides a textbook allowance to all students in Queensland State Schools that is paid in bulk to the school. This scheme together with the student contribution fee allows students to access resources without parents having to pay the full costs.

Students contribution fee

The component of the Student Resource Scheme which parents are required to pay to participate:

​Year Level

​Charges for the scheme
​Other fees
​7 - 10
​$200.00 per student
​+ Subject specific fees
​11 - 12
​$250.00 per student
​+ Subject specific fees

Parents will receive an invoice indicating their specific Contribution Fee.

Where there is genuine parental financial hardship, the principal or delegate will be pleased to negotiate a payment schedule or make alternative arrangements so that financial obligations can be met. All discussions will be held in confidence.

Payment o​ptions

Please note that Oakey State High School prefers payments to be made through Qparents, BPoint or EFTPOS transactions.

BPoint payments

Details as per school issued invoices.


Payment may be made via your QParent account. If you haven't registered for a QParent account or have misplaced your link, please contact the school to have it resent.

Paying by phone

Using a credit/debit card via BPOINT 1300 631 073. Please quote CRN and invoice number from the BPOINT box on the left.

Paying In-person

Payment may be made at Student Services (Resource Centre HUB), Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00am and 1.00pm only. Credit Cards and Debit Cards (EFTPOS), Cash, Cheques and Money Orders are accepted.


Student payments

Paym​ents by students will be accepted and receipted before school between the hours of 8.30am and 8.55am and at morning tea daily.

Last reviewed 03 February 2025
Last updated 03 February 2025