Students at Oakey State High School are supported through positive reinforcement and a system of universal, targeted, and intensive behaviour supports by:
- Parents
- Teachers
- Year Level Coordinators
- Heads of Departments
- Administration Staff
- Guidance Officer
- School Chaplain
- School-based Youth Health Nurse
- Indigenous Community Education Counsellor
- Indigenous Community Liaison Officer
- Support Teacher Learning Difficulties
- Advisory Visiting Teachers
The Hub is a "one-stop-shop" where students can access support in a safe, positive space on campus. Students may access the Hub for many reasons including:
- Health
- Welfare
- Well-being
- Mental and emotional health
- Relationships
- Behaviour
The strength in the Hub lies in all of these services being located in a central space. The Hub is manned all day, every day by Heads of Student Support and the Student Welfare Team.
For more information on Wellbeing Support and Positive Behaviour for Learning teams please follow the links.