School management
Updating personal information
If a change of address, phone number or other details occurs during the year, the school office should be notified in writing so our records can be updated. An up-to-date contact phone number is essential in case of accident or illness.
Medical information and medication
Parents should inform the school administration of any relevant medical issues concerning their student at enrolment or as they arise.
By law, staff are not permitted to administer un-prescribed medication. Students cannot be given a headache tablet etc. If a student needs to take medication prescribed by a medical practitioner, these procedures must be followed:
Parent/Guardian must complete a
Consent to administer medication form (DOCX, 109KB).Pharmacist/physician’s directions for administration of the medication must be written on the container. The absence of instructions means school personnel cannot administer the medication.All medication must be left at the Administration Office or at the SEP.The school will advise Parent/Guardians of out-of-date medication.Positive Behaviours for Learning
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a cornerstone of the behaviour management plan of Oakey State High School and is currently being introduced.
Parents and visitors
All parents and visitors to the school must report to the Administration Office for permission to be on school grounds. Approval is not automatically granted and each case will be dealt with on its merits.
Please note that visitors are not to park in the staff car park (as per signage).
Personal property
School bags, calculators, items of clothing etc. should be clearly marked with the owners name and, if possible, an identifying mark. Students are asked to leave valuable items at home or, if they must be brought to school, be kept in their possession or left with Student Services.
To prevent theft, students should not leave money in their bags but should always carry money with them.
Lost property
All lost property is kept at Student Services. If students lose personal property, they should check with staff there immediately.