

​Oakey State High offers are vast range of extra-curricular opportunities and events for students, many without additional costs.  These programs are designed to extend and broaden student exposure to specialist areas of Arts and Sport, and engage in social activities.

Care and Careers Program

This program covers student welfare, personal development, academic improvement and careers, and occurs once a week in roll class groups. In Term 4 all students in Year 11 will participate in a leadership program during this time.


The Student Council is responsible for organising school socials in the Assembly Hall under teacher supervision at Principal-approved times through the year. Students absent on the day of a social, have outstanding assessment or detention, and whose behaviour does not reflect the school values, will not be allowed entry to school socials.


Oakey State High School has a wide variety of sports on offer through its Health and Physical Education classes. Opportunities exist for inter-house competition in swimming, cross-country and athletics. Through the Inner Downs District, students also have the opportunity to trial for the full range of Darling Downs teams.
Friendly Inter-house rivalry is encouraged and the purpose of our carnivals is to encourage maximum participation of students, develop healthy sporting attitudes and promote the enjoyment of sport and recreation generally.
Teams are also entered in various interschool competitions, including rugby league, netball and cricket.

School House System

The division into houses is arranged to ensure that members of the one family belong to the same house. House Captains are responsible for general organisational duties affecting their house. These divisions in all year levels are:
Achilles (A - G)
Green & Black
Herring (H - M)
Blue & Yellow
Teevan (N - Z)
Red & Black

Performing Arts

From time to time students may be given opportunity to demonstrate their talents in functions held in the Assembly Hall or Cultural Centre.

Awards Night

The annual school Awards Night will be held early in November at the Oakey Cultural Centre. Academic, Cultural, Platinum, Special and Sporting Awards are presented to students who have achieved exceptional standards in each of these areas.

Senior Formal

A farewell function for the graduating Year 12 students and their parents and teachers is organised each year by a committee formed from Year 12 students and a teacher. Participation in this event is dependent on 90% attendance, conduct at school, completion of assessment and payment of fees.

International Students

During the year the school receives visits by students from China and Japan. Students and their families have the opportunity to host an international visitor for several nights during these visits.

Instrumental Music Program

Lessons are available to all students in the following musical groups – Brass, Woodwind, Strings and Percussion. Lessons are in school time and occur on a rotational basis so that the same school subject is not missed every week. The program promotes an appreciation of music through band and ensemble playing. Students learning an instrument are expected to join either the Concert Band or String Ensemble when they have reached a satisfactory level.

To be successful in learning a musical instrument, students must commit to daily practice, usually half an hour. Students who fail to practice will be discontinued from the program.

Students may borrow a school instrument, where they are available, for a period of 12 months. After that time, the student is expected to purchase his/her own instrument. There are exceptions to this in the case of larger, more expensive instruments.

Last reviewed 24 March 2022
Last updated 24 March 2022