In case of student absence, please contact the school:
Hotline (absences only): 4691 4166
Office: 4691 4100 (press 1)
Every day counts
An important focus area for all schools is attendance. Each week in the student services foyer, year level attendance data is on display. The year level that has the highest percentage attendance is displayed on the sandwich board outside student services and announced on parade.
The goal for whole school attendance is 95%.
By increasing student attendance, we also hope to see an increase in student academic achievement.
Research shows that in Queensland, on average, higher student attendance at school is associated with higher student achievement. Regular school attendance will mean that children have a better chance in life. They will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day:
- they learn better
- they make better friends
- they are happier
- they have a brighter future