Year 10 students, in consultation with their school and parents/carers, are required to develop a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan that maps out their plan of action for his/her education and training through the Senior Phase of Learning (Year 11 & 12).
The SET Plan is designed to help young people choose individual senior learning pathways that involve career options, subject selections, and training qualifications through the Senior Phase of Leaning (generally Year 11 and 12). Our Year 10 students will be participating in the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system which was introduced in 2019 which brings new subject syllabuses and assessment processes, a new process for how students gain credit for their QCE, and new eligibility requirements to gain an ATAR for direct entry into University.
Young people can use their SET Plan to build on their strengths and to work towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (or in some cases the Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement), a Certificate III level of Vocational Education, School-based Traineeships/Apprenticeships (SATs), and/or a viable work option. These plans are documented and ready for implementation by the end of Year 10.
During Term Two, Year 10 students engage in a Career Education program which includes investigation of their personal interests, relevant career opportunities, and matching qualifications and training needs. Normally we invite students and parents/carers to an information evening that explores the following: the SET Planning process; the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE); university pathways and the ATAR; additional support mechanisms to either extend students or support them to gain their QCE if the student finds themselves not on track; SATs or School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships; and studying one or more subjects via distance education through the Brisbane School of Distance Education (BSDE).
Given the current environment, this year we have created video resources that explain each topic that can be explored by clicking on the links from the attached document (also emailed to each family) which takes you to our OSHS YouTube page. Please take the time to watch these videos with your child to ensure we are all on the same page when it comes to planning two of the most important years of your child’s life that will set them up for future study, training, and employment. This is an extremely important process for our Year 10 students and their families, so we strongly encourage you to watch these videos with your child.